
帖子: 68
注册时间: 周四 11月 22, 2018 10:07 pm


ychen » 周三 10月 07, 2020 11:27 pm

Chinese herbal derived luteolin is suggested to be putative Furin inhibitor, with previous success against Dengue Fever. 

A multicenter consensus: A role of furin in the endothelial tropism in obese patients with COVID-19 infection.
AbdelMassih AF, Ye J, Kamel A, Mishriky F, Ismail HA, Ragab HA, El Qadi L, Malak L, Abdu M, El-Husseiny M, Ashraf M, Hafez N, AlShehry N, El-Husseiny N, AbdelRaouf N, Shebl N, Hafez N, Youssef N, Afdal P, [...] Fouda R
Obes Med, 19:100281, 14 Jul 2020
Luteolin restricts dengue virus replication through inhibition of the proprotein convertase furin.
Peng M, Watanabe S, Chan KWK, He Q, Zhao Y, Zhang Z, Lai X, Luo D, Vasudevan SG, Li G
Antiviral Res, 143:176-185, 04 Apr 2017